Incumbent on CMS’ Data Services Hub gets another year


“A long and drawn-out procurement including four rounds of protests and multiple federal lawsuits means that the incumbent contractor charged with maintaining a key piece of the Affordable Care Act infrastructure gets another year on the job.”

The Data Services Hub is a tool that links multiple federal and state systems to determine eligibility under the Affordable Care Act. The current contactor – Quality Software Solutions, Inc. — has been working in the ACA ecosystem since 2010 since the first round of contracts to support the healthcare law were awarded…”

“Three times, CMS tried to award the contract to Sparksoft, arguing amid protests that both companies met the basic criteria to perform the contract but that Sparksoft offered a lower price…” Read the full article here.

Source: QSSI gets a 1-year extension on health care data hub – By Adam Mazmanian, April 5, 2019. FCW.