The current study was based on the simulation game and results of the game outlined that
performance was increasing. Every year the performance of the company increased slightly and
ultimately in year 16 the performance was the maximum. Further with help of the external and
internal environmental analysis it was evaluated both the internal and external environment are
suitable for the company and this is beneficial for C Company to grow and develop.
Collaborative robots can be of great use for the company, increasing its profitability.
1. Evaluating the major strategic decision made during the six round simulation and reflecting
on one round that stood out . 4
2. Reflecting on internal, external and competitive environment of business . 6
3. Emerging Technology that can be used by the C company . 9
The mission of C Company involves enhancing the experience of the customers by
providing them with the quality footwear at a very reasonable price.
The vision of the C Company includes providing the services of creative and innovative
footwear’s to a large audience so that they can enhance their experience.
The major value included within the operations of the C Company is the charitable
contributions with the company do for development of the business
Another value being included within the performance of the company is to focus on
premium quality at very low prices so that large number of people gets attracted.
Moreover the value also includes having good relationship with each and every stakeholder
of the business so that they are happy and satisfied with the performance of the company.
Corporate objectives
To increase the sales of the company by at least 15% till the next month.
To increase the investment within the marketing segment by 18% within the next two
months so that the sales can be increased.
To enhance be investment within resource and development and technology by 23% tell the
end of the September 2022.
1. Evaluating the major strategic decision made during the six round simulation and reflecting on
one round that stood out
By evaluating the simulation game result it is clear that the performance of the company
has increased to a great extent. This is particularly because of the reason that there were different
round and every round outlined the different results. With the analysis of year 12 performance it
was evaluated that the net revenue of C companies should atom 686906. All so the EPS of the
company was 3.27. On the other hand in case of your 13 the net revenue of the company was